Provisional program

Seeds gathering program.pdf

Why farmer Seeds?

General information (click for more information) (1)

According to the FAO, 75% of cultivated biodiversity has disappeared in the last century ... Faced with this situation, numerous civil society initiatives are emerging on the ground to propose an alternative

<aside> 📢 This is why this International farmer Seeds Gathering aims to bring together farmers, civil society stakeholders, farmers' organisations, and the public to discuss the environmental, social, and economic issues involved in preserving, multiplying, and circulating heirloom seeds.


Why this International Gathering?

🗺 Where? French-Italian Border, Alpes-Maritimes, France

🗓 When?  From the 1st to the 5 of October

Theme of the Gathering: Seeds and Migration

Why this theme?

Why in the Alpes-maritimes?

Project organizers

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Project leaders

French farmer Seeds Network (Réseau Semences Paysannes - RSP)